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Parish Announcements


Father Oliver's Absence - Father Oliver is away until the end of November. While he is away, there will not be any weekday masses. This weekend, we welcome Fr. O'Brien back and next weekend we will be welcoming Fr. Allan MacDonald. If a priest is needed, please contact the office and leave a message. The messages are being checked regularly.

St Daniel's Ladies Group - The next meeting of the St. Daniel's Ladies Group will be on Wednesday, November 13th starting at 7 :00 pm (no Mass). The group is hosting local author Nancy Steele. She will share how God taught her the stepping stones to overcome the stumbling blocks in her chronic health journey. All are welcome to attend. As usual, the speaker will present at the beginning of the meeting and after Q & A, guests are free to stay while members will address the remaining items on the agenda. Please come join us for this special event!

Knight of Columbus Bottle/Can Drive for Special Olympics - On Saturday, November 16th from 11:00 am to 2:00 pm, Knights from St. Daniel's and St. Mary's will be accepting your donations of bottles and cans. They will be set up in the parking lot of each church. Thank you for your support

St. Mary's and St. Daniel's Advent Mission - For the first time in a long time St. Mary's will be hosting an Advent Parish Mission from December 7 to December 11, 2024. Save the date! More details to follow.

Booking Mass Intentions - The Mass binder is now ready for people wishing to have Announced Masses in 2025. Unfortunately, Mass times and availability may change so please include contact information when signing up for a Mass so alternate arrangements can be made if necessary. Please do not write on the greyed out spaces labeled "For the People". These times are not available. Fill out the Mass Stipend envelope completely (including your name, the intention of the Mass and the date you hope to have the Mass).

St. Mary's Social Committee - Mark your calendars - our next events are a games night on November 15, 2024 in the parish hall beginning at 6:30 pm. All are welcome to join in. Feel free to bring a favourite game, some snacks, and a friend. After that, there will be the Harvest Brunch at the legion hall in Chesterville on November 17 following Sunday Mass.

Blanket Exercise: Renewed Catholic Commitment to Indigenous Reconciliation 

In a “Letter to the People of God”, the Canadian Bishops are encouraging all Catholics to continue to listen to Indigenous communities on this journey of reconciliation. On Saturday, Oct. 19, 2024 from 1:00-3:30 pm in the St. John Elementary School gym, you too can participate in this process of healing and reconciliation through a unique event in our parish: the Blanket Exercise. This is an interactive way to learn the history and the relationship between Indigenous and non-Indigenous people in Canada. For more information see poster posted at back of St. Mary's church.

FORMED - Not yet on FORMED? It’s FREE to everyone within the parish boundaries of St. Mary of the Presentation and St. Daniel the Martyr, our gift to you! Visit: Type the parish postal code K0C 1H0 or St. Mary of the Presentation to bring up our parish name. Click on it. Register your name and email and you are in. Use your browser, or download the app on Android or Apple devices, Roku, FireTV and Apple TV, too!