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Parish Announcements


First Saturday Mass - First Saturday Masses at St. Mary's are cancelled for July and August but will resume in September.

Wednesday MassesWednesday evening Masses at St. Daniel's will resume in September. 

St. Mary’s Memorial Mass - On Saturday, September 7th at 11:00 am, we have an opportunity to remember and reflect upon family and friends that have gone before us. Mass will be held at St. Mary Cemetery (3065 Dunbar Rd). Please bring lawn chairs. The Knights of Columbus will provide parking assistance. Disabled parking will be directed to an area adjacent to the Mass site. Please be aware that there are no facilities on-site. There will be a special collection taken to support the Cemetery operation.

St. Daniel's Ladies Group - The St. Daniel's Ladies will hold their first meeting of season 2024-25 on September 11th after 7:00 pm Mass. Sylvia Payne will give a presentation on Estate Planning.

Pancake Breakfast - St. Mary's Social Committee will be hosting a Pancake Breakfast on Sunday, Sept 15th after the 10:30 am mass. There will be a free will offering and 50/50 tickets will be available. Please sign the sheet at the back of the church to indicate how many will be attending.

Adult Catechesis - In September, Father Oliver would like to offer the Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults (RCIA) program (i.e., Adult Catechesis) to anyone wishing to participate. Please contact the office or speak with Father Oliver after Mass.

Booking Mass Intentions  - We are running low on mass stipends during the week. For that reason, we encourage you to book mass intentions for loved ones who have passed on, or for giving intentions. Along with giving the Lord our intentions, this will raise revenue for our Parishes. Please record your request in the binder or contact the office. Place your $20 Mass stipend in the envelope provided. Fill out the envelope completely (including indicating if the intention is for someone deceased or living) and put the envelope in the collection box.

FORMED - Not yet on FORMED? It’s FREE to everyone within the parish boundaries of St. Mary of the Presentation and St. Daniel the Martyr, our gift to you! Visit: Type the parish postal code K0C 1H0 or St. Mary of the Presentation to bring up our parish name. Click on it. Register your name and email and you are in. Use your browser, or download the app on Android or Apple devices, Roku, FireTV and Apple TV, too!